Why won't they leave us alone?
How do you sell "make the rich richer" to the masses as a platform? You can't. That's why you manufacture fake outrages, and fake conspiracies.
Why is it that reactionaries refuse to leave people alone, and let them live their lives in peace?
It's because the far-right don't have a real substantive political platform to stand on. How do you sell "make the rich richer" to the masses as a platform? You can't. That's why you manufacture fake outrages, and fake conspiracies. You turn the gullible into social justice warriors FOR bigotry and racism, because there's no other way to package "make the rich richer."
Now of course, idiot shit libs like the Democrats do the same, but although they do make some references to real social issues, as a broadly rightwing party they too are still ultimately about making the rich richer at the end of the day; and so they also do not offer substantive platforms.
The Culture War is largely performative for a reason. It's the only way the "make the rich richer" platform have any chance of pretending they're for the people. Identity Politics also create nice substitutions for class struggle, by allowing people to pretend their race or gender or national identity is more important than their class interest.
Only political platforms that truly address social and material conditions inhibiting freedom and liberty are worth our time; typically ideologies associated with the far-left, which is wildly unpopular with authorities for a reason. In our society, there is a de facto ban on all leftist (anti-statist, anti-capitalist, anti-classist) thinking, because this would actually present a threat to the ruling classes. Everything else is part of the "make the rich richer" ideology, with fake or insincere social justice issues slapped on top; which is why they're permissible.
All we wanted was to be left alone. It's exclusively the left that keeps arguing for shared federal institutions and limiting freedom of association.